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الكيمياء الحيوي

Latest List of Publications

Resveratrol promotes remyelination in cuprizone model of multiple sclerosis: biochemical and histological study.
HR Ghaiad, MM Nooh, MM El-Sawalhi, AA Shaheen.
Molecular neurobiology 54 (5), 3219-3229, 65, 2017

Long noncoding RNAs APOA1-AS, IFNG-AS1, RMRP and their related biomolecules in Egyptian patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: Relation to disease activity and patient disability.
HR Ghaiad, AN Elmazny, MM Nooh, MM El-Sawalhi, AA Shaheen
Journal of Advanced Research 21, 141-150, 7, 2020

Importance of Apoprotein A-I and Sphingosine Kinase in Multiple Sclerosis Activity and Progression in Egyptian Patients: Association with a Number of Long non-coding RNAs Expression
HR Ghaiad, AN Elmazny, MM Nooh, MM El-Sawalhi, S Amira A.
Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy, 2020 (PhD Thesis)

Role of Resveratrol in ameliorating the biochemical changes in an experimental model of demyelinating disease in mice
HR Ghaiad, MM Nooh, MM El-Sawalhi, S Amira A.
Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy, 2016 (Master Thesis)
حقوق النسخ © كل الحقوق محفوظة كلية الصيدلة جامعة القاهرة | القصر العيني, القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية |رقم بريدي 11562
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