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الميكروبيولوجيا و المناعة
Latest List of Publications
1. Mohamed SH, Hady OA, Kashef MT, Zedan H. Antivenoms, hepatitis B vaccine and oral polio vaccine can be considered for storage and handling outside the cold chain following the innovative ‘controlled temperature chain. Biologicals. 2022 2. Bakr ME, Kashef MT, Hosny AED, Ramadan MA. Effect of spdC gene expression on virulence and antibiotic resistance in clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates. International Microbiology. 1-11 (2022) 3. Tag ElDein MA, Yassin AS, El-Tayeb O, Kashef MT. Chlorhexidine leads to the evolution of antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 40(11): 2349-2361 (2021) 4. Mahdally NH, Geroge RF, Kashef MT, Al-Ghobashy M, Murad F, Attia AS. Staquorsin: a novel Staphylococcus aureus Agr-mediated quorum sensing inhibitor impairing virulence in vivo without notable resistance development. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 1841 (2021). 5. Bokhtia RM, Panda SS, Girgis AS, Honkanadavar HH, Ibrahim TS, Al-Mahmoudy AMM, George RF, Kashef MT, Fayad W, Sakhuja R, Abdel-Aal EH. Fluoroquinolone-3-carboxamide amino acid conjugates: Synthesis, antibacterial properties and molecular modeling studies. Medicinal Chemistry (Shariqah (United Arab Emirates). 17: 71-84 (2021)
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