ا.م.د. / احمد فتحى محمد احمد
الادوية و السموم

Latest List of Publications

Ahmed, L. A., A. F. Mohamed, E. A. Abd El-Haleim, and D. M.El-Tanbouly,"Boosting Akt Pathway by RupatadineModulates Th17/Tregs Balance for Attenuation ofIsoproterenol-Induced Heart Failure in Rats.", Frontiers inpharmacology, vol. 12, pp. 651150, 2021.

Elgebaly, S. A., R. Todd, D. L. Kreutzer, R. Christenson, N.El-Khazragy, R. K. Arafa, M. A. Rabie, A. F. Mohamed, L. A.Ahmed, and N. S. El Sayed,"Nourin-Associated miRNAs:Novel Inflammatory Monitoring Markers for CyclocreatinePhosphate Therapy in Heart Failure.", International journalof molecular sciences, vol. 22, issue 7, 2021.

Badawi, G. A., M. M. Shokr, H. F. Zaki, and A. F. Mohamed,"Pentoxifylline prevents epileptic seizure via modulatingHMGB1/RAGE/TLR4 signalling pathway and improvesmemory in pentylenetetrazol kindling rats.", Clinical andexperimental pharmacology & physiology, vol. 48, issue 8,pp. 1111-1124, 2021.

Safar, M. M., N. N. Shahin, A. F. Mohamed, and N. F.Abdelkader,"Suppression of BACE1 andamyloidogenic/RAGE axis by sitagliptin ameliorates PTZkindling-induced cognitive deficits in rats.", Chemico-biological interactions, vol. 328, pp. 109144, 2020.

Sayed, N. H., N. Fathy, M. A. Kortam, M. A. Rabie, A. F.Mohamed, and A. S. Kamel,"Vildagliptin AttenuatesHuntington's Disease through Activation of GLP-1Receptor/PI3K/Akt/BDNF Pathway in 3-NitropropionicAcid Rat Model.", Neurotherapeutics : the journal of theAmerican Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, vol.17, issue 1, pp. 252-268, 2020.

Mohamed, A. F., M. F. El-Yamany, F. A. El-Batrawy, and M. T.Abdel-Aziz,"JNJ7777120 Ameliorates Inflammatory andOxidative Manifestations in a Murine Model of ContactHypersensitivity via Modulation of TLR and Nrf2Signaling.
", Inflammation, vol. 41, issue 2, pp. 378-389, 2018Mar.
Mohamed, A. F., M. M. Safar, H. F. Zaki, and H. M. Sayed,"Telluric Acid Ameliorates Endotoxemic Kidney Injury inMice: Involvement of TLR4, Nrf2, and PI3K/Akt SignalingPathways.", Inflammation, vol. 40, issue 5, pp. 1742-1752,2017 Oct.

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