Emeritus Professor / Amal El-Sayed Mohammed Khaleel
Latest List of Publications
G. A. El Hossary, A. A. Genanah, S. H. Tadros and A. E. Khaleel (1988) Macro- and Micromorphology of Gardinia thunbergii L. fils, Part II, The Flower. “XX Egyptian Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt”.
G. A. El Hossary, A. A. Genanah, S. H. Tadros and A. E. Khaleel (1988) Macro- and Micromorphology of Gardinia thunbergii L.fils, Part III, The Fruit and Seed, “ XX Egyptian Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo, Egypt”.
G. A. El Hossary, A. A. Genanah, S. H. Tadros andA. E. Khaleel (1989) Macro- and Micromorphology of Gardinia thunbergii L.fils, Part I, The Stem and theLeaf. “ Az. J. Nat. Prod.” 3, 131-155.
Aiman S. El-Khatib and Amal E. Khaleel (1995) Evaluation of Some Pharmacological Properties of Extracts of Bauhinia racemosa Lam. Leaf and Bassia muricata L. Whole Plant. “Bull. Fac. Cairo Univ.” 33(2), 59-65.
Hesham I. El-Askary and Amal E. Khaleel (1999) Flavonoids of Pyrecantha crenato-serrata. “ Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.” 37 (1), 75-80.
G. A. El-Hossary, M. A. Selim, A. El Sayed and A. E. Khaleel (2000) Study of Flavonoid Content of Bassia muricata L. and Bauhinia racemosa Lam. “Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ.” 38(2), 93-97.
M. M. Shabana, M. H. Gonaid, A. E. Khaleel and M. F. Yousif (2001) Glycosides of Cassia tora L. Cultivated in Egypt. “J. Biomed. Sci.” 7, 136-144.
F. M. Soliman, A. H. Shehata, A. E. Khaleel and S. M. Ezzat (2001) Macro- and Micromorphological Studies of Foeniculum vulgare Mill., and Foeniculum dulce DC. (Fam. Apiaceae) Growing in Egypt, Part I, The Roots, Rhizomes and Stems. “Az. J. Pharm. Sci” 27, 23-40.
F. M. Soliman, A. H. Shehata, A. E. Khaleel and S. M. Ezzat (2001) Macro- and Micromorphological Studies of Foeniculum vulgare Mill., and Foeniculum dulce DC. (Fam. Apiaceae) Growing in Egypt, Part II, Leaf and Fruit. “Az. J. Pharm. Sci” 27, 400-22
A. E. Khaleel, S. H. El-Gayed and A. Ameen (2001) Chemical and Biological Study of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Growing in Egypt. “Az. J. Pharm. Sci.” 28, 285-99.
A. E. Khaleel, S. H. El-Gayed, J. Nolte and R. Fobbe (2001) Comparative Study of the Essential Oils of the Leaves and Fruits of Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle Grown in Egypt. “Az. J. Pharm. Sci.” 28, 258-265.
Amal E. M. Khaleel (2002) 2-Phenyl-4-quinolinone Alkaloids from Casimiroa edulis Llave et Lex (Rutaceae). “Monashefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly” 133 (2), 133-87.
Fathy M. Soliman, Afaf H. Shehata, Amal E. Khaleel and Shahira M. Ezzat (2002) An Acylated Kaempferol Glycoside from Foeniculum vulgare and Foeniculum dulce. “Molecules” 7, 245-51.
Fathy M. Soliman, Mahmoud A. El-Sohly, Afaf H. Shehata, Amal E. Khaleel, Shahira M. Ezzat and Amany A. Sleem (2002) Comparative Chemical and Biological Studies of the Volatile Oil of Various Parts of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. and Foeniculum dulce DC. Growing in Egypt. “J. Biomed. Sci.” 9,112-132.
Fathy M. Soliman, Afaf H. Shehata, Amal E. Khaleel, Shahira M. Ezzat and Abdel-Aaty M. Abdel-Aaty (2004) Botanical and Biological Studies of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. and Foeniculum dulce DC. Growing in Egypt. “Bull. Fac. Pharm Cairo Univ.” 42(1), 113-137.
Fathy M. Soliman, Afaf H. Shehata, Amal E. Khaleel, and Shahira M. Ezzat (2004) Lipids and Coumarins of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. and Foeniculum dulce DC. “Egypt J. Biomed. Sci.” 14,148-166.
A. E. M. Khaleel (2004) Volatiles from Flowers of Selected Apiaceous Species "Egypt J. Biomed. Sci" 15, 102-113.
Amal E. Khaleel, Mohamed Z. Gad, Shohda A. El-Maraghy, Mohamed S. Hifnawy and Essam Abdel-Sattar (2005) Study of Hypocholesterolemic and Antiatherosclerotic Properties of Medicago sativa L. Cultivated in Egypt"J. Food and Drug Analysis" 13, 212-218.
A. E. M. Khaleel (2005) Phenolics and Lipids of Carum carvi L. and Coriandrum sativum L. Flowers. "Egypt J. Biomed. Sci" 18, 35-47.
E. A. El-Kashoury, A. E. Khaleel, O. M. Mousa and M. H. Daoud (2007) Anti-Cancer Volatile Constituents from The Flowers of Lonicera Japonica Thunb. Cultivated in Egypt. "Egypt J. Biomed. Sci".23, 135-145.
E. Abdel-Sattar, A. E. Khaleel and F. M. H. Harraz (2007) Triterpene Acids from the Stem Exudate of Schinus MolleL. "Egypt J. Biomed. Sci"., 24, 68-74.
Amal E. Khaleel, Mariam H. Gonaid, Ramzia, I. El-Bagary, Amany A. Sleem and Marwan M. Shabana (2007) Chemical and Biological Study of the Residual Aerial Parts of Sesamum indicum L. Cultivated in Egypt. "J. Food and Drug Analysis", 15 (3), 248-256.
Fathy Mohamed Soliman, Afaf Hassan Shehata, Amal El-Sayed Khaleel and Shahira Mohamed Ezzat (2007). A New γ-Pyrone, Sterols and Triterpenes from Helichrysum bracteatum, Gazania nivea and Dimorphotheca ecklonis. "Pharmacognosy Magazine" 3 (12), 214-218.
Fathy Mohamed Soliman, Afaf Hassan Shehata, Amal El-Sayed Khaleel, Shahira Mohamed Ezzat and Amany Ameen Sleem (2008). Caffeoyl Derivatives and Flavonoids from Three Compositae Species. "Pharmacognosy Magazine", 4(13), 1-11
M. M. El-Sherei, A. E. Khaleel, A. A. Abd-Elmotaal, P. M. Abd-Elbaki (2011). Study of the essential oil of Solidago canadensis L. cultivated in Egypt. XXXII Egyptian Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Amal E. Khaleel, Hanna Eid, Ola Sanad and Sara Hozayen. (2013). Macro- and micromorphological study of leaf and stem of Moringa oleifera Lam. Fourth International Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University entitled; “Pharmacy Education & Community Expectorations”.
Moshera El-Sherei, Amal Khaleel *, Amira Abdel Motaal and Passent Abd-Elbaki (2014). Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Composition of the Essential Oil of Solidago canadensis Cultivated in Egypt “TEOP “17 (5), 891-898.
Ahmed H. Elbanna, Engy A. Mahrous, Amal E. Khaleel and Taha S. Elalfy (2015). In-Vitro Anti-hyperglycemic and Antioxidant activities of Bauhinia vahlii Wight &Arnott Growing in Egypt. The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Natural Products and Drug Discovery: Back to Mother Nature.
Ahmed H. Elbanna, Engy A. Mahrous, Amal E. Khaleel and Taha S. Elalfy (2016) Chemical Investigation of Bauhinia Vahlii Wight And Arnott Leaves Grown In Egypt "International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences"8(6), 269-272.
Ahmed Hassan Elbanna, Engy Abdel-hamid Mahrous, Amal El-Sayed Khaleel, Taha Shahat El-alfy (2016) Morphological and anatomical features of Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arnott. grown in Egypt. "Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science" 6 (12). 084-093.
Amal E. Khaleel, Mai S. Khader and Yasmin S. Yousef (2017) A Pharmacognostical Study of Melilotus indicus (L.) All. Eighth International Scientific Conference of Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University.
Ahmed H. Elbanna, Mohammed M. Nooh, Engy A. Mahrous, Amal E. Khaleel and Taha S. Elalfy (2017) Extract of Bauhinia vahlii Shows Antihyperglycemic Activity, Reverses Oxidative Stress, and Protects against Liver Damage in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. “Pharmacognosy Mag” 13 (51): S607-S612.
Passent Mahmoud Abdel Baki, Moshera Mohamed El-Sherei, Amal Elsayed Khaleel, Amira Ahmed Abdel Motaal and Heba Mohammed Ibrahim Abdallah (2019) Aquaretic activity of Solidago canadensis L. cultivated in Egypt and determination of the most bioactive fraction. "Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research” 18(2), 922-937.
Mona M. Okba, Passent M. Abdel Baki, Amal E. Khaleel, Moshera M. El-Sherei and Mohamed A. Salem (2020) Discrimination of common Iris species from Egypt based on their genetic and metabolic profiling. "Phytochemical Analysis"1–11.
Mona M. Okba, Passent M. Abdel Baki, Mohammed Abu-Elghait, Amr Shehabeldine, Moshera M. El-Sherei, Amal E. Khaleel, and Mohamed A. Salem (2021) UPLC-ESI-MS\MS profiling, antihaemolysin and antibiofilm activities of the underground parts of common Iris species. The Second International Electronic conference on Foods-" Future Foods and Food Technologies for a Sustainable World".
Mona M. Okba, Passent M. Abdel Baki, Mohammed Abu-Elghait, Amr Shehabeldine, Moshera M. El-Sherei, Amal E. Khaleel and Mohamed A. Salem (2022) UPLC-ESI-MS\MS profiling of the underground parts of common Iris species in relation to their anti-virulence activities against Staphylococcus aureus." J. Ethnopharmacolgy"282, 114658.
Shari, K., A. El Gedaily, R., M. Meselhy, K., E. Khaleel, A., & Abdel-Sattar, E. (2022). Sources, Structure, Synthesis and Biological Activities of Jatrophone: A Macrocyclic Diterpene: Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 6(10), 1576–1586.
Passent M. Abdel-Baki, Moshera M. El-Sherei ,Amal E. Khaleel,Marwa M. Abdel-Aziz &Mona M. Okba. (2022) Irigenin, a novel lead from Iris confusa for management of Helicobacter pylori infection with selective COX-2 and HpIMPDH inhibitory potential. “Scientific reports” 12:11457.
Riham A. El-Shiekh, Hanaa A. H. Kassem, Amal E. Khaleel &Menna M. A. Abd El-Mageed (2023) Anticholinesterases activity of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. and Murraya paniculata (L.) Jacq. essential oils with GC/MS analysis and molecular docking. “Natural Product Research” DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2023.2241150.
Short communication.
Khawlah Shari, Rania A. El Gedaily, Rasha M. Allam, Khaled M. Meselhy, Amal E. Khaleel, Essam Abdel-Sattar, Jatrophone: A Cytotoxic Macrocyclic Diterpene Targeting PI3K/AKT/NF-κB Pathway, Inducing Apoptosis and Autophagy in resistant breast cancer cells. (2023). BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies 23: 293doi: 10.1186/s12906-023-04113-6
Riham A. El Shiekh1*, Rana Elshimy2,3, Asmaa A. Mandour4, Hanaa A. H. Kassem1, Amal E. Khaleel1, Saleh Alseekh5,6, Alisdair R. Fernie5,6 and Mohamed A. Salem7(2024) Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel seeds and pericarps in relation to their chemical profiles: new approach for multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator associated pneumonia. Applied Biological Chemistry 67(1).
Khawlah Shari1, Osama G. Mohamed1,2, Khaled M. Meselhy1, Ashootosh Tripathi2,3, Amal E. Khaleel1, Essam Abdel Sattar1* & Rania A. El Gedaily1 (2024). Cytotoxic and Antiviral Activities of Jatropha variegata and Jatropha spinosa in Relation to their Metabolite Profile. Scientific Reports 14, 4846.
El-Shiekh, R. A., R. Elshimy, A. A. Mandour, H. A. H. Kassem, A. E. Khaleel, S. Alseekh, A. R. Fernie, and M. A. Salem (2024) "Phytochemical characterisation of leaves and stems of Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel and Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack and their antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacterial infection", International Journal of Food Science & Technolog.