Clinical Pharmacy Program Logo

PharmD - Clinical Pharmacy Program

Online Admission

The Clinical Pharmacy program welcomes all students who wish to join it.

  • The Cairo University Council gives the graduate a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy (PharmD - Clinical Pharmacy) according to the credit hour system.
  • The Bachelor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD - Clinical Pharmacy) is the first university degree in the field of pharmacy necessary to obtain a license to practice the profession in all available pharmacy areas, and it qualifies the graduate to register for a master’s degree in any of the academic departments of the college.
  • The candidate to join the program must meet the conditions set by the Supreme Council of Universities, where students are accepted into the program from students admitted to the Faculty of Pharmacy-Cairo University through the coordination office and newly-acquired high school diplomas and Arab and foreign equivalent certificates.
  • As for the transfer to the clinical pharmacy program for the new students in the academic year 2024-2025, the student must have been nominated by the Coordination Office of one of the government pharmacy colleges in the academic year 2024-2025.
  • The transfer of students who failed in the basic program to the clinical pharmacy program as new candidates is not allowed.
  • The duration of the study in the program is five academic years (five levels over ten semesters) according to the credit hours system and an advanced training year (Internship) along with an initial training of 100 hours in private, government or hospital pharmacies during the summer holidays after the end of the third level and before starting the advanced training year.
  • The credit hour is the unit of study and is equivalent to a theoretical weekly study hour or a practical lesson of not less than two hours per week.
  • Study in the program includes 175 credit hours, in addition to 6 credit hours of university requirements.
  • The student chooses 4 elective courses (8 credit hours) to be studied during the last two academic levels.
  • The program specifies an academic advisor from the staff members for each group of students who performs the tasks of care and scientific guidance, is responsible for the student in scientific, social and psychological affairs, and guides him in everything related to his university life. Also, the academic advisor and students in choosing courses from the list of courses offered by the college in each semester.
  • Tuition fees for the Clinical Pharmacy Program are estimated for each semester (fall or spring) for students enrolled in the program annually and remain fixed for students throughout their studies.
  • Fees are fixed for the new comers in 2024-2025 throughout the years of study till graduation.
  • The financial value of the credit hour is doubled during the summer semester.

  • In case of any inquiries, please contact us on:

Steps to join the program

First: Students nominated from the Coordination Office to the Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University

First: Students nominated from the Coordination Office to the Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University

  1. The price of the application form (500 EGP) non-refundable is to be paid through Fawry service with a specific payment code. The code is obtained by clicking the attached link.
    Link to get Fawry Payment code for the admission form
    Then choose the "students affairs" and choose the name of the service as "Application fees to join the clinical pharmacy program (Bachelor)" then filling the required data and payment through Fawry service.
  2. An electronic copy of the following papers is prepared:
    • Fawry payment receipt for the application.
    • The student′s birth certificate.
    • Statement of high school grades.
    • Coordination Office nomination letter.
    • A recent personal photo of the student.
  3. The student’s data is filled and a copy of all the required documents is uploaded to the following registration link:Admission Form
  4. The student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office to submit the original documents for the student and complete the enrollment steps after: The student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office to submit the original documents for the student and the declaration (as directed in point 4) and complete the enrollment steps after:
    1. The arrival of the official statements from the Coordination Office with the names of students nominated to Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University
    2. The arrival of official statements of the medical examination results of the students
Second: Students nominated from the Coordination Office to other government colleges of pharmacy

Second: Students nominated to other government colleges of pharmacy

  1. The price of the application form (500 EGP) non-refundable is to be paid through Fawry service with a specific payment code. The code is obtained by clicking the attached link then choose the "students affairs" and choose the name of the service as "Application fees to join the clinical pharmacy program (Bachelor)" then filling the required data and payment through Fawry service.
    Link to get Fawry Payment code for the admission form
  2. An electronic copy of the following papers is prepared:
    • Fawry payment receipt for the application.
    • The student′s birth certificate.
    • Statement of high school grades.
    • Coordination Office nomination letter.
    • A recent personal photo of the student.
  3. The student’s data is filled and a copy of all the required documents is uploaded to the following registration link:Admission Form
  4. Follow the electronic transfer steps on the official electronic gate for services of the Cairo University students, create an account for the student using “Registering new student” and follow the instructions stated for the transfer process.
  5. Upload an electronic copy of the transfer receipt on the following link: Link for upload of the transfer receipt
  6. The student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office after the initial approval of the transfer to review the original documents of the student to complete the transfer steps required in accordance with the rules of the Supreme Council of Universities.
  7. After the official approval on the transfer from the president of Cairo University, the student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office to submit the original documents of the student and complete the enrollment steps.
Third: Equivalent certificates students nominated to the Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University

Third: Equivalent certificates students nominated to Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University

  1. The price of the application form (500 EGP) non refundable is to be paid through Fawry service with a specific payment code. The code is obtained by clicking the attached link then choose the "students affairs" and choose the name of the service as "Application fees to join the clinical pharmacy program (Bachelor)" then filling the required data and payment through Fawry service.
    Link to get Fawry Payment code for the admission form
  2. An electronic copy of the following papers is prepared:
    • Fawry payment receipt for the application.
    • The student′s birth certificate.
    • Statement of high school grades (latest official record).
    • Coordination Office nomination letter.
    • A recent personal photo of the student.
  3. The student’s data is filled and a copy of all the required documents is uploaded to the following registration link: Admission Form
  4. The student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office after the arrival of the students files with the original documents to the Faculty to complete the enrollment steps.
Fourth: Equivalent certificates students nominated to other government colleges of pharmacy

Fourth: Equivalent certificates students nominated to other government Faculties of Pharmacy:

  1. The price of the application form (500 EGP) non refundable is to be paid through Fawry service with a specific payment code. The code is obtained by clicking the attached link then choose the "students affairs" and choose the name of the service as "Application fees to join the clinical pharmacy program (Bachelor)" then filling the required data and payment through Fawry service.
    Link to get Fawry Payment code for the admission form
  2. An electronic copy of the following papers is prepared:
    • Fawry payment receipt for the application.
    • The student′s birth certificate.
    • Statement of high school grades.
    • Coordination Office nomination letter.
    • A recent personal photo of the student.
  3. The student’s data is filled and a copy of all the required documents is uploaded to the following registration link:Admission Form
  4. Follow the electronic transfer steps on the official electronic gate for services of the Cairo University students, create an account for the student using “Registering new student” and follow the instructions stated for the transfer process.
  5. Upload an electronic copy of the transfer receipt on the following link: Link for upload of the transfer receipt
  6. After the official approval on the transfer from the president of Cairo University, the student’s guardian will be communicated through the e-mail to come to the program office to receive an official letter to the other governmental nominated Faculty of Pharmacy to be able to get the student’s file with the original papers from there.
  7. After getting the original student’s file, the student’s guardian is asked to come to the program office to submit the original documents of the student and complete the enrollment steps.
Fifth: International arrival students

Fifth: International arrival students

  1. The student must have an official nomination to the Faculty of Pharmacy-Cairo University from the foreign arrivals administration.
  2. The student’s guardian or whoever represents him with an official power of attorney come to the clinical program office with this official nomination to complete the enrollment steps.

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