
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Code PM703

Aim of the Course

Biotechnology learning program is crucial for pharmacy students. It includes study of {General introduction to biotechnology and fermentation– Microbial growth processes (mode of fermentation processes; design of a fermentor; achievement and maintenance

Course Contents

  • General introduction to biotechnology and fermentation.
  • Microbial growth processes (mode of fermentation processes; design of a fermentor; achievement and maintenance of aseptic conditions in the fermentor).
  • Bioconversion processes & major Biotechnologi

حقوق النسخ © كل الحقوق محفوظة كلية الصيدلة جامعة القاهرة | القصر العيني, القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية |رقم بريدي 11562
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