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Postgraduate Programs

Diploma  PharmD  Master  Ph.D  New Programs
1 Hospital Pharmacy Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
2 Industrial Pharmacy Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
3 Cosmetic Products Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
4 Medicinal Plants Pharmacognosy
5 Toxicology and Fornsic Chemical Analysis Pharmacology and Toxicology
6 Pharmacology Pharmacology and Toxicology
7 Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Synthesis Technology Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
8 Drug Quality Control and Assurance Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
9 Biochemical Analysis Biochemistry
10 Drug Discovery Pharmaceutical Chemistry
11 Genomics and Bioinformatics Microbiology and Immunology
12 Pharmacovigilance Pharmacology and Toxicology
13 Pharmacoeconomics and Health Technology Assessment Clinical Pharmacy
1 Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
2 Industrial Pharmacy Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
3 Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosy
4 Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacology and Toxicology
5 Microbiology and Immunology Microbiology and Immunology
6 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
7 Analytical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
8 Biochemistry Biochemistry
9 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry
10 Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy
11 Professional Master in Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
1 Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
2 Industrial Pharmacy Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
3 Pharmacognosy Pharmacognosy
4 Pharmacology and Toxicology Pharmacology and Toxicology
5 Microbiology and Immunology Microbiology and Immunology
6 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
7 Analytical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
8 Biochemistry Biochemistry
9 Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry
10 Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy

1 PharmD Clinical Pharmacy
1 Genomics and Bioinformatics Microbiology and Immunology Diploma
2 Pharmacovigilance Pharmacology and Toxicology Diploma
3 Pharmacoeconomics and Health Technology Assessment Clinical Pharmacy Diploma
4 Professional Master in Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy Master
Diploma - Medicinal Plants - Pharmacognosy
Course IDCourse NameCredit HoursExam Hours TheoreticalExam Hours PracticalsExam Degree TheoreticalExam Degree PracticalsAimeSemesterMandatory Elective
1201Introduction to Herbal Medicine and Worldwide Distribution.[1+0]105000Semester OneMandatory
1202Traditional and Medicinal Applications of Herbs in The Civilized Countries.[1+0]105000Semester OneMandatory
1203Modern Methods Adopted for Cultivation and Propagation of Medicinal Plants and Their Adverse Effects.[2+2]341001000Semester OneMandatory
1204Flora of Egypt: Proper Collection, Drying and Storage of Cultivated and Wild Medicinal Plants Prior Human Consumption.[2+0]2010000Semester OneMandatory
1206Chemistry and Bioactivity of Selected Phytoconstituents.[3+1]33150500Semester OneMandatory
1207Aromatherapy and Chemistry of Volatile Oils.[2+1]23100500Semester OneMandatory
1205Traditional Medicine in Egypt Quality Assurance of Herbal Drugs Guided By WHO Measures[2+2]351001000Semester TwoMandatory
1208Chromatographic Techniques Applied for Identification and Quantification of Phytoconstituents[2+1]23100500Semester TwoMandatory
1209Medicinal Plants Industrialization in Egypt[4+0]3020000Semester TwoMandatory
1210Research Project[0+4]0800200Semester TwoMandatory

Course IDCourse NameSemesterMandatory/Elective
2005Critical ThinkingSemester TwoMandatory

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