
Biotechnology Center

Research Projects & Publications

Research activities

Collaborative projects

  1. "Quality control of Biopharmaceuticals" with Massey University and AgResearch Ltd., New Zealand (Started Feb. 2010).
  2. "Bioremediation of industrial pollutants employing solar and biological treatment in collaboration" with Lund University in Sweden and Biological treatment of industrial pollutants from coke processing in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific Research in Egypt (2002 - 2007).
  3. 2nd Phase "Novel biological remediation process combined with solar irradiation for cost – efficient removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs)". in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific research (2004 - 2007).
  4. 1st Phase "Bioremediation of industrial wastes rich in toxic aromatic compounds" in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific research (1998-2004).
  5. Production of radiopharmaceuticals for imaging and detection of infectious sites.
  6. Production of 6-aminopencillanic acid in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific research (1998-2003).
  7. Development of fermentation processes in collaboration with Nasr Company for pharmaceuticals (1990-1995).

Selected Publications (2000 - 2010)

2000 ================================================================
  1. El-Tayeb, O. M.; F .H. Ali, S. A. Megahed, and M. El-Azizi (2000) Microbial degradation of aromatic substances by local bacterial isolates. II- Kinetics of degradation of para-nitrophenol by Pseudomonas putida. Egypt. J. Biotechnol, 8, 51-75.
  2. El-Tayeb, O.; A. Hashem, F. Mohammad and M. Aboulwafa (2000) Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial alpha amylase in Egypt. I- Strain selection and improvement. Proceedings of the 11th Egyptian Conference of Applied Microbiology. pp 419 – 438.
2001 ================================================================
  1. El-Tayeb, O. M.; A. Hashem, F. Mohammad and M. Aboulwafa (2001) Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial alpha amylase in Egypt. II- Role of physiological factors in productivity by two strains of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Egypt. J. of Biotechnol. 10, 23 – 55 .
  2. El-Tayeb, O. M.; A. Hashem, F. Mohammad and M. Aboulwafa (2001) Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial alpha amylase in Egypt. III- Production in solid state fermentation and on natural protein sources by two strains of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Egypt. J. of Biotechnol. 10, 56-67.
  3. El-Tayeb, O. M.; M.M. Shabana; A.A. Abdelrahman and A. S. Hanora (2001). Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Substances by Local Bacterial Isolates. IV- Dynamics of incremental addition by Pseudomonas putida. Az. J. Microbiol. 54,
  1. El-Tayeb O.M, Mohammad F., Hashem A., and Aboulwafa M. (2002). Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial alpha amylase in Egypt. IV- Fermentor production and Characterization of the enzyme of two strains of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. 28th Egyptian Pharmaceutical Conference Abstracts (Withheld from publication pending the granting of a patent)
  2. Mohammad, F.; O.M. El-Tayeb and M. Aboulwafa (2002) Optimization of the industrial production of bacterial alpha amylase in Egypt. . V- Analysis of the kinetic data for enzyme production by a strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. 28th Egyptian Pharmaceutical Conference Abstracts (Withheld from publication pending the granting of a patent)
  3. Toama, M.; Hashem, A.; Amin, M.; Abdelrahman, A. and Ezzat, L. (2002). Inhibition by antibiotics of nitrate reductase activities of uropathogenic bacteria. Egypt J. Med. Microbial. 11(3), 455-466
  4. Toama, M.; Hashem, A.; Amin, M.; Abdelrahman, A. and Ezzat, L. (2002). Aerobic nitrate reductase activities in uropathogenic bacteria. Egypt J. Med. Microbial. 12(4), 835-848.
2004 ================================================================
  1. El-Tayeb, O.M.; Salama, A.A.; Hussein, M.M.M. and El-Sedawy, H.F. (2004) Optimization of industrial production of rifamycin B by Amycolatopsis mediterranei. I. The role of colony morphology and nitrogen sources in productivity. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 3(5), 266-272
  2. El-Tayeb, O.M. ; Salama, A.A.; Hussein, M.M.M. and El-Sedawy, H.F. (2004) Optimization of industrial production of rifamycin B by Amycolatopsis mediterranei. II. The role of gene amplification and physiological factors in productivity in shake flasks. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 3(5): 273-280
  3. El-Tayeb, O.M.; Salama, A.A.; Hussein, M.M.M. and El-Sedawy, H.F. (2004) Optimization of industrial production of rifamycin B by Amycolatopsis mediterranei. III. Production in fed-batch mode in shake flasks Afr. J. Biotechnol, 3(8): 387-394
  4. El-Tayeb, O.M.; Hussein, M.M.M.; A.A. Salama and H. F. El-Sedawy. (2004) Optimization of industrial production of rifamycin B by Amycolatopsis mediterranei IV. Production in the fermentor. Afr. J. Biotechnol 3(9): 432-440
  5. Adham Nehad Z. ; O.M. El-Tayeb ; A. Hashem; H. El-Refai ; L. A. Sallam (2004) Microbial side-chain degradation of progesterone II. Application of different techniques for progesterone conversion by Fusarium dimerium Pakistan J. of Scientific and Industrial research, 47(2), 138-141 (ISSN 0030-9885 CODEN PSIRAA)
  1. 15. Essam, T.; M. A. Aly; O. El-Tayeb; B. Mattiasson and B. Guieysse (2005) Biological treatment of industrial wastes in a photobioreactor. Proceedings of the IWA International Conference on "Sustainable Development of Chemical Industries with the Environment". Tsukuba, Japan, 14-16 July 2005, pp 31-34
2006 ==================================================================
  1. 16. Essam, T.; H. Zilouei; M. A. Aly; O. El-Tayeb; B. Mattiasson and B. Guieysse (2006) Sequential UV-biological degradation of chlorophenols. Chemosphere, 63, 277-284
  2. 17. Essam, T.; M. A. Amin; O. El-Tayeb; B. Mattiasson and B. Guieysse (2006) Biological treatment of industrial wastes in a photobioreactor. Water Science and Technology, 53(11), 117-125
  3. 18. El-Tayeb, O.; A.A. Abdelrahman and A. S. Hanora (2006). Microbial Degradation of Aromatic Substances by Local Bacterial Isolates. V- Supplemental enhancement and genetic characterization of Pseudomonas putida strain. N. Egypt J. Microbiol. 14, 202-214
2007 ==================================================================
  1. 19. Essam T., Amin M. Aly, El Tayeb O., Mattiasson B., Guieysse B. (2007). Sequential photochemical-biological degradation of chlorophenols. Chemosphere, 66, 2201-2209.
  2. 20. Essam T., Amin M. Aly, El Tayeb O., Mattiasson B., Guieysse B. (2007). Solar-based detoxification of phenol and p-nitrophenol by sequential TiO2 photocatalysis and photosynthetically aerated biological treatment. Water Research, 41, 1697 – 1704
2010 ==================================================================
  1. 21. Essam T., Amin M. Aly, El Tayeb O., Mattiasson B., Guieysse B. (2010) Characterization of highly resistant phenol degrading strain isolated from industrial wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Hazardous materials, 173, 783 – 788

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