
The Library

Libtrary Services and Documents to be delivered to the library - Master and PhD students

The faculty library was established in 1955 and it includes hall of books, the faculty library participated in 50 scientific periodical magazines since year 1959 and then moved to third floor in the the pharmacognozy building overlooking the River Nile, it is divided into two halls :

First hall is for faculty staff members and the scientific periodicals magazines, books, scientific communications, MA and Ph.D. The second hall is for students. In 2007, library consisted of a number of two rooms: First hall for the faculty staff members and second hall for students.

And now the library contains 217 Arabic books, 11924 foreign books,124 scientific periodical magazines, 3450 MA and Ph.D. ((2491 Masters, 959 Ph.D.)).

The library provides photocopy service of three photocopiers for researchers, students and faculty staff members. and high-speed Internet service (ADSL) to the library members.

There is a CD's for communications modern scientific and about 105 CD's for new books.

The library annually bought books within 75,000 (Seventy Five thousand pounds) added to the balance of the library.

The library provides comfort for visitors (students, faculty staff members and researchers from abroad.

Number of books: 11924.

Number of Scientific Journals: 124.

Number of Theses: 3450.

  • Separate reading area for students and faculty members.
  • Photocopy machine is available.
  • Working hours:  Sunday through Wednesday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
    Thursday: 8:30 am - 2:00 pm.
    Friday and Saturday: Holiday.
  • Computer search is available to retrieve book number.
  • Internet access is also available.
  • Book Borrowing Rules: Up to 3 books for 1 month which is renewable.

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