In 1827, the first educational institution of Pharmacy in Egypt was founded in Abou-Zaabal as the "School of Medicine and Pharmacy". The school then moved to the Citadel area, followed by another move in 1837 to Kasr El-Aini Street, the Faculty’s current location.
In 1832, the School had its first graduation class, a cohort of 25 students. The program was for five academic years.
In 1925, the School of Medicine and Pharmacy merged with the University of King Fouad I to become known as “the Faculty of Medicine”.
In 1941, the postgraduate programs for Master and Diploma degrees were introduced, and in 1951, the School started offering a doctoral program in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
In 1955, a governmental decree (number 444, 14/09/1955) was issued to establish the "Faculty of Pharmacy" as an independent entity separating it from the Faculty of Medicine. By that time, the University of King Fouad I became known as "Cairo University".
The duration of study was for five years, at the beginning, then was shortened to only four years, but only to be extended to five years. The first year of which was a preparatory one,where the student had to pass courses in basic natural sciences at the Faculty of Sciences before being transferred to the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The educational system and curricula of the Faculty of Pharmacy witnessed many changes over the years. The ultimate change was introduced in the academic year 2003-2004, where the preparatory year was merged and integrated into a 5-year study program. From this day on, all the academic courses were offered at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.