
Vision, Mission and Objectives

Program Vision:

Scientific excellence and continuous development to serve the therapeutic health system and the pharmaceutical industry and achieve sustainable development in order to reach a prominent position globally in the field of pharmacy.

Program Mission:

Preparing pharmacists with professional ethics that are qualified in the latest pharmacy concepts and therapeutic care that enables them to contribute to the development of pharmaceutical industries and raising the efficiency of the pharmaceutical care system at the local and regional level in hospital pharmacies through the provision of pharmaceutical services at a professional level in public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies and control laboratories, pharmaceutical and food analysis in addition to work in the field pharmaceutical marketing and actively participate in scientific research through research centers and universities to serve the community.

Program Objectives:

  • Graduating a distinguished pharmacist qualified to work in public and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies, pharmaceutical control laboratories, food analysis, pharmaceutical marketing, research, and universities.
  • Focus on the role of the pharmacist in providing appropriate health care to the patient inside and outside hospitals by educating and advising individuals and communities to improve therapeutic outcomes and reduce the incidence of diseases, taking into account that the profession’s ethics, its responsibilities, and authorities, respecting its laws and ethics, and respecting the rights of patients.
  • Preparation of a pharmacist that uses evidence-based data to provide contemporary pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical services in addition to being able to have effective communication, leadership, management, and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Graduating a pharmacist who works as a lifelong learner for sustainable professional development and demonstrates the ability to assess performance and self-assessment skills.
  • Increase the competitiveness of program graduates at the regional level through study and training programs.
  • Participate in community service and environmental development and provide a tangible economic return by rationalizing the use of medicines in hospitals.
  • Commitment to achieving quality standards in pharmaceutical education through interactive learning and self-learning.

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