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Department of Pharmaceutics & Industrial Pharmacy

Postgraduate Courses

Diploma Master  Ph.D
1 Pharmaceutics
2 Industrial Pharmacy

Master - Professional Master in Pharmaceutical Industry
Course CodeCourse NameExam. HoursExam. HoursExam. MarksSemesterMandatory/Elective
PM101 Pharmaceutical development of generic and brand roducts [2+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM102 Stability testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug substances [1+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM103 Specification, Test procedure and acceptance criteria [1+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM104 Biowaiver & bioequivalence studies for generic products [2+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM105 Analytical development procedures & Validation of Analytical methods [2+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM106 The regulatory system & regulatory standards of re ulator authorities [2+0] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM107 Basics of pharmaceutical statistics [1+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM108 Good laboratory practice (GLP) & laboratory control [2+1] 3 0 Semester One Mandatory
PM109 Impurities of drug substance & drug products [1+1] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM110 Product scaling-up & technology transfer [1+1] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM111 Application of Clinical trials for development of brand products [2+0] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM112 Common technical document (CTD) of pharmaceutical products [1+1] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM113 Good manufacturing practices (GMP) guidelines (part 1) [1+1] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM114 Pharmaceutical manufacturing technoloies of drug products [2+0] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM115 Application of ICH safety guidelines [1+1] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM116 Research project [2+0] 0 0 Semester Two Mandatory
PM117 Good manufacturing practices (GMP) gidlines (part 2) [1+1] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM118 Environment, health, & safety standards [1+1] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM119 Application of Pharmacopoeias in harmaceutical industries [1+1] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM120 Validations systems [2+0] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM121 Good Design Practices for (GMP) Pharmaceutical Facilities (part 1) [2+1] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM122 Continuous manufacturing & pharmaceutical product lifecycle management [1+1] 0 0 Semester Three Mandatory
PM123 Good Design Practices for GMP Pharmaceutical Facilities (part 2) [2+1] 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
PM124 GMP guide for active pharmaceutical ingredients Q7 [2+0] 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
PM125 Information & data management system [1+1] 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
PM126 Supply chain and distribution management [1+1] 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
PM127 Strategic and operational management [1+1] 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
2005 Critical Thinking - University Requirements -- 0 0 Semester Four Mandatory
PM128 Research and development R&D Methodology 6 0 0 Training
PM129 Quality control QC professional 6 0 0 Training
PM130 Quality assurance Quality control & GMP compliance 6 0 0 Training
PM131 Pharmaceutical Production GMP compliance 6 0 0 Training
PM132 Planning & supply chain Pharmaceutical Production 6 0 0 Training
PM133 Regulatory affairs Quality assurance 6 0 0 Training

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