Welcom to Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
- Establish and update a Database for the faculty alumni: names, graduation years, job occupations, achievements and others are important information to study the impact of the faculty on the society and business.
- Advance Your Career: the database will act as a resource for possible career opportunities.
- Faculty of Pharmacy Accreditation: A strong alumni association is an indication of strong institute and valuable degree. Alumni participation is one of the requirements for Educational-Institutes Accreditation.
- Faculty Support: If you would like to volunteer your time and/or become a member, contact the Alumni Office. Your involvement and support would be a great contribution to the Faculty and fellow alumni. The simplest way is to keep in touch and give us a feedback.
- Alumni feedback and suggestions: will help the faculty upgrade courses and programs as well as preparing studies to assess market needs.
- Establish a site for the office through the faculty web site: to facilitate communication & announce our services. The Alumni Office provides numerous opportunities to network with other alumni. By staying connected and volunteering with alumni Office, members will remain a part of the built-in network of contacts that are always willing and available to assist each other throughout their careers.
- Expand your Connections through Participation: being a part of well connected alumni will increase you contacts, your opportunities for better career and possibly improves your whole life.
- Alumni Achievement: The most effective way to increase the value of a Faculty of Pharmacy degree is to show the accomplishments of our alumni. Highlighting alumni achievement brings credibility to Faculty of Pharmacy programs and makes the institution desirable to those with similar aspirations.
- Special Member Promotions: Your Alumni Office membership allows access to a variety of special promotions including discounts, early notification of programs and events, and members-only event pricing.
- Dedication to our Students: Alumni interaction with students solidifies relationships with the college. The Alumni Office also is involved with students to instill service and leadership in our students, preparing them to be leaders in the profession and better citizens in their communities.